Our Study Abroad Partners
Tel Aviv University has been welcoming study abroad students to campus for over fifty years. These students are hosted by TAU International, the department within TAU responsible for the academic, cultural and social aspects of the international student experience as well as for the safety and well-being of these students. TAU International strives for excellence in the field of education abroad and is a proud member of NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the Forum on Education Abroad. TAU International maintains study abroad agreements and affiliations with many top academic institutions in the United States and worldwide and places highest priority on making sure the needs of our partners and their students are met during the time they spend at TAU.
In addition to our regular TAU International programming, we host many faculty-led and customized programs each year tailored to the needs of our partners. For more information, please visit our Customized & Faculty-Led Programs page.
Partner Resources
We are always happy to share the materials that students receive during their time with TAU International, whether it’s our Safety, Security and Wellbeing Guidelines for Students, our Study Abroad Academic Handbook, or any of our Pre-Departure or Arrival Resources. In addition, partners can view our TAU International Study Abroad Calendar to see important dates for their students. (Note: TAU International runs on a slightly different calendar than the rest of TAU in order to better accommodate study abroad students and match the North American semester calendar). If you have a suggestion for an additional resource you’d like to see developed, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Academics and Credit Transfer
If you have questions regarding TAU International academic policies and procedures for study abroad students, or regarding credit transfer of TAU International courses to your institution, please email our TAU International Academics Team at tauiacademic@tauex.tau.ac.il. All course syllabi can be found online (click on the tabs at the top of the page to browse by semester, year).
Partner Contacts
TAU International’s main office is located in the heart of the TAU campus in Tel Aviv. We also have offices in New York, Toronto and Rio which oversee recruiting, advising, outreach, admissions and enrollment for their respective countries and often work closely with partners to manage institutional relations. A list of contact information for each office can be found here.
Partner Visits to TAU
We love seeing our partners in Tel Aviv and receive many visitors each year on campus! We are always thrilled for partners to be able to see first-hand what their students experience during their time with TAU International. To get started requesting a visit, please contact the TAU International office in your country. Be aware when planning your visit that in Israel the working week is Sunday-Thursday. If you can’t come in person, check out our online campus tour that will allow you to get an overview of Tel Aviv University campus, facilities and dorms. In addition, our staff usually attends NAFSA and Forum on Education Abroad Conferences as well as other national and international conferences each year. Feel free to email us to see where we’ll be attending so we can connect!
Requesting TAU to Visit Your Campus
TAU International representatives occasionally travel to campuses to meet with partners, conduct information sessions, attend study abroad or international fairs, or meet our study abroad or international student alumni. If you’d like to request that we visit your campus in the future, please contact the TAU office in your country.
Our Study Abroad Partners
Below is a list of our valued Study Abroad Partners from which we receive students for our study abroad programs. If you are interested in becoming a study abroad partner, please contact us today:
For all U.S. institutions - Melea Rubinstein, Director, TAU New York Office
All other institutions - please contact the TAU office in your country
University of Wisconsin- Madison
Syracuse University
SUNY Albany
Northwestern University
University of Pennsylvania
Ohio State University
University of Missouri
Emory University
George Washington University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Colorado- Boulder
Rollins College
Franklin and Marshall
Duke University
University of Texas- Austin
Wellesley College
Tufts University
Muhlenberg College
Brandeis University
Kent State University
Carnegie Mellon
University of Connecticut
Smith College
American University
University of Florida
DePauw University
University of Massachusetts- Amherst
Brown College
Ithaca College
Michigan State University
Princeton University
Tulane University
Vanderbilt University
University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign
CUNY Brooklyn
Cornell University
University of Hartford
Columbia University
Oberlin University
Johns Hopkins University
Georgetown University
United States Naval Academy
University of Maryland
University of Oregon
Pennsylvania State University
Puget Sound University
Point Loma Nazarene
Swarthmore College
Colgate University