Customized & Faculty-Led Programs

Each year, TAU International collaborates with several Faculty-led and Customized Programs from various institutions. Through this type of programming, we offer partners the chance to create an academic program better suited to the individual needs of the specific institution and faculty. 

Priority is given to institutions that wish to academically collaborate with TAU in the form of a joint course, hybrid program, or similar. Depending on the timing and nature of the program, we may be able to offer the following support components:


  • Housing in TAU dormitories or apartments 
  • 24/7 Student Life Team and emergency support services
  • Student health insurance (mandatory)
  • Classroom space and campus access
  • Guest lecturers
  • Faculty or customized TAU courses
  • Customized student internship opportunities as part of a TAU course
  • Cultural and social student activities that are part of TAU’s existing offerings
  • General advice and recommendations for Tel Aviv/Israel



To find out more about Faculty-led and Customized Programs at TAU International and to discuss your specific needs, please contact us to set up an exploratory call:


For universities in North America & Canada: 

Roy Robinson, Director, North America office, 


For other universities: 

Sharon Ziv-Kafri, Director of International Development,

Konstantin Platonov, Director of Asia Engagement,


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