Cost of Attendance

All fees and expenses listed below are quoted in US dollars.


Below students will find the actual costs to TAU’s programs (actual costs refer to tuition, housing, and required/optional Hebrew Ulpan/Language if relevant) as well as guidelines for the estimated cost of living in Tel Aviv per month, calculated in USD.


This is intended to give students an estimated overall Cost of Attendance (COA) during their program at TAU; each student's costs will of course vary depending on where they’re arriving from, lifestyle choices, type of housing (TAU Housing vs. finding housing independently), etc.

For students looking for more specific and detailed information on Tel Aviv's cost of living, we recommend visiting this site for helpful current estimates on food, transportation, and more.


Transportation and grocery costs, as described below, are meant to provide a guideline for calculating your COA. When doing so, ensure you’re also accounting for leisure activities (e.g. gym membership, sports/fitness classes, hobbies, bars/nightlife, social activities apart from sponsored TAU International Student Life activities, etc.) and any other essential or non-essential elements of your particular lifestyle (e.g. phone plan purchasing).


Transportation to and within Israel

  • Students should research flights according to the times/dates of their program arrival and departure for more exact estimates of airfare from their point of departure
  • Transportation to/from the airport on program start and end dates
  • An unlimited bus pass in Tel Aviv is 63 USD/month. Check this website for public transportation costs for travel around Israel for tourism purposes outside of sponsored TAU International Student Life activities.


Groceries (including household supplies)

  • Students can estimate $750-900 USD/month for groceries. This describes the estimated cost of 3 meals per day, assuming the majority of meals are cooked/eaten inside the home (all TAU Housing has kitchenettes which make this possible) as well as cleaning products, dishes, kitchen utensils, linens/bedding, and personal toiletries.
  • Note that the costs of living are typically higher upon arrival due to move-in costs, e.g. bedding, dishes, etc.



Graduate Programs




in Israel

to Israel

Board /Meals


Ancient Israel Studies (1) $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $6,100 $40,720

Biomedical Engineering

free tuition $10,920   $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $27,220
Conflict Resolution & Mediation $16,800


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $43,110

Environmental Engineering MSc

$11,000 $10,920   $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Environmental Studies $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Global Migration and Policy $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Parasol Foundation International LL.M. Program $21,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,600 $3,600 $47,910
Disaster Management $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Security & Diplomacy Studies $16,900


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600


Sofaer Global MBA $41,500


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $67,810
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) $15,250


$1,450 $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $42,555
Cyber Politics and Government $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Sustainable Development $11,000


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $38,220
Documentary Cinema* $11,429


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $37,739

Neuroscience MSc

free tuition


  $1,200 $2,500 $9,000 $3,600 $27,220


* Paid across two years


Graduate Thesis year (2nd year Students)




in Israel


to Israel




Total COA

TESOL Thesis Year








Security and Diplomacy  Thesis Year








Ancient Israel Studies Thesis Year








Environmental Studies Thesis Year








Conflict Resolution Thesis Year








Neuroscience Thesis Year

free tuition







Biomedical Engineering Thesis Year

free tuition







Environmental Engineering Thesis Year

free tuition








Undergraduate Programs




in Israel


to Israel





BA in Liberal Arts








Dual Degree with Columbia - In Tel Aviv University








BA in Management and Liberal Arts









* Please note for students in Degree Programs (MA, BSc, BA): a non-refundable deposit of the first month’s rent is required to reserve dorms. Confirmed students in degree programs who requested on-campus housing will be contacted by the housing department prior to arrival, and all information + payment deadline will be emailed to the email address you registered in the TAU International student portal. If the deposit is not paid by the designated deadline, your dorm reservation will expire and your place in the dorms will be cancelled. You will be able to register on a waiting list, subject to availability. This is for degree programs only; a non-refundable deposit of the first month’s rent, etc. does not apply to students on Short Term (Summer) or Semester/Year (Study Abroad and Gap) Programs.



Study Abroad & Short Term Programs




in Israel


to Israel





Semester Study Abroad 

All details on the tuition are listed HERE


$4,750 (Fall 2023)






$13,100 / $12,100

Year Study Abroad 

All details on the tuition are listed HERE

$9,500 (2022-2023)






Summer Programs (Lasting Approx. 4 Weeks)

All details on the tuition are listed HERE

Details can be found HERE






Summer Programs (Lasting Approx. 6 Weeks)

All details on the tuition are listed HERE

Details can be found HERE






Summer Programs (Lasting Approx. 8 Weeks)

All details on the tuition are listed HERE

Details can be found HERE








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