About The Lowy International School

Our Values

Our values represent the heart of what we stand for at The Lowy International School and at Tel Aviv University (TAU).


Equality and Diversity

TAU welcomes students from approximately 100 countries each year and is proud to offer a plural and inclusive environment across campus. We encourage everyone to join us here, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, nationality or any other form of identity. 


Academic Excellence

Our professors are some of the best in the world at what they do, and TAU offers more than 400 labs and 3,500 research projects for students to get involved in. Both in research and teaching, we’re dedicated to fostering the next generation of top young minds and ideas.  


Safety and Wellbeing

During your time with us, our focus is on taking care of you, getting you the support you need and keeping you safe and healthy. We provide safety and wellbeing protocol in our pre-departure information kit, security training as part of orientation and have a robust emergency management plan in place. 


Spirit of Discovery

Located in the heart of Israel’s high-tech, business and culture center, TAU is dynamic, innovative, cosmopolitan and forward-looking. Here, you’ll challenge your limits as you study and discover the diverse and unique mosaic that makes up Israeli society.   


Institutional Support

At The Lowy International School, you’ll find a team of support staff excited to greet you on your first day and make your time at TAU as seamless as possible. Our student life team is also available 24/7 to help and have planned a full schedule of extracurricular activities.


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