
Explore different funding options for the next academic year

We’re delighted to list here details of current internal and external scholarships!  For more details including eligibility, please click on the links below.


Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarship*

*Hurry, the deadline for this scholarship is this Friday, March 19th!


TAU International Summer Scholarship

Summer scholarships are open to current undergraduate and graduate students, graduating high school seniors and professionals who are applying to a TAU summer program.  Scholarships are merit-based, and students should meet at least one of the below criteria to be eligible. Preference is given to students who meet two or more of the following criteria:

  1. Cumulative GPA is 3.5/4.0 (85/100) or above (your most recent transcript must be uploaded to the TAU Portal when you apply for the program)
  2. Visiting Israel for the first time
  3. Coming from a TAU partner institution

Gilman-Israel Scholarship

The Gilman-Israel Scholarship is a partnership between the embassy of Israel to the United States and the US Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship Program, is a highly selective award for those studying or interning abroad in Israel. The award allows students from accredited US higher education institutions to strengthen their skills and expand their educational experiences while living and learning in Israel.



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