Leumit Coverage Information

Your health insurance is managed through the Insurance Company “Menora Mivtachim”, and the healthcare provider is “Kupat Holim Leumit”.

Coverage includes your programs dates, or an agreed-upon alternative duration, including vacation days.

This insurance provides coverage for students only within Israel (it does not include coverage anywhere abroad, including the West Bank and Palestinian territories). The policy covers treatment by a large selection of English-speaking doctors in Leumit Clinics, as well as hospitalization in public hospitals.

The full policy can be found here.


What’s Included?

Following is the outline of your health insurance policy:

  • Comprehensive Medical Providers Network, covering Israel. This includes physicians (practitioners and specialists), pharmacies, laboratories and x-ray facilities.
  • A 24-hour assistance center, for immediate treatment and referral.
  • Services provided within close proximity to the university (Ramat Aviv/North Tel Aviv).
  • Students may also use the Leumit network anywhere within the State of Israel. The 24-hour Assistance Center will provide referrals to the nearest physician.
  • House calls when a student is unable to visit a physician.
  • Hospitalization in any hospital within the State of Israel.
  • Refunds for ambulance transportation in cases of emergency.
  • Administration of injections, excluding daily injections (such as insulin). Medicine to be provided by the student.
  • A personal medical service ID number. Upon presenting the number, a student is eligible to receive all services at no charge. Medicines, laboratory tests or x-rays prescribed by the physician are provided or administered by Leumit network providers at no charge.
  • Students may visit any participating general practitioner or specialist listed in the Leumit index without referral.
  • Coverage includes emergency dental treatment.
  • The 24-hour assistance center can be contacted regarding any medical problem that arises outside of business hours (including problems that may require treatment outside of the Leumit network).
  • Referral for hospitalization may be made by any participating physician or the 24-hour assistance center. This referral is required prior to going to the hospital in order to receive coverage for the visit. In life-threatening emergencies, a student may go to the nearest hospital without prior notice to the insurance provider. The insurance provider should be advised as soon as possible after admittance.


Exclusions and Limitations

  • Pre-existing conditions (according to the commencement date of the insurance).
  • Any medicine or treatment not prescribed by the insurance company’s physicians.
  • Psychiatric treatment.
  • Preventive drug treatment for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or HIV carriers, or for aesthetic treatments and/or surgeries.
  • Pregnancy and delivery.
  • Work-related accidents.
  • Dental treatments that are not considered an emergency (are not designed to relieve immediate pain).
  • Injuries incurred while intoxicated or under the influence of illegal substances.
  • Injuries incurred while participating in extreme sport activities (e.g., bungee jumping, mountain climbing, etc.).
  • Traffic accidents are not covered by your medical insurance provider. In such cases, coverage is through the responsible party’s insurance or through a government fund, Karnit.


Additional Coverage Outside of the Country

Optional health insurance coverage is offered for travel outside Israel for an additional fee.

You may purchase the additional coverage independently by contacting Sagit at sagit@offek.org


Additional Coverage Outside of Program Dates

Students who plan to extend their stay after their program ends and/or who plan to arrive prior to their program start date, may purchase additional coverage days at an additional cost (the fee is $2.1 per day).

Please note that students who already finished their program will be directed to the insurance company directly, to independently purchase an insurance extension.

For more information, you are welcome to contact The Lowy International School’s health insurance team at insintl@tauex.tau.ac.il.


For more information about insurance, please see the following:



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