Safety, Health, and Security

The safety, health and well-being of you, our international students, is our highest priority. Information on these topics is shared with you at every phase of the study abroad process, including in student pre-departure and welcome materials and at the mandatory student orientation and arrival session. 

While in Israel, you will be given the telephone numbers of relevant personnel and campus offices (such as the Lowy International School Office staff), detailed instructions on medical care and emergencies, and the mobile number of the Lowy International Student Life Team (Madrichim) who can be contacted for any type of emergency 24/7 including holidays. You are encouraged to read all information received very carefully and keep it easily accessible during your stay.

The Lowy International School employs multiple Student Life Team Counselors, managed by the Head of Student Life, who live in the dormitories with students and are available 24/7 to respond to international student concerns and emergencies.

The Student Life Team is trained and experienced in emergency management. During arrival, international students are introduced to the members of the Student Life Team and given detailed instructions for how to contact them.


The Lowy International School Emergency Contact Information 

If you need to contact a Lowy International School staff member in Tel Aviv in case of emergency, you can contact us on the following emergency phone numbers.

Please use office phone numbers during work hours (Sunday-Thursday, 9:00AM-3:00PM).


In Case of Emergency in Israel During Office Hours

The Lowy International School Office, Carter Building 108

Open each day Sunday through Thursday*, 9:00am-3:00pm

Office Number: +972-(0)3-640-8118 (Ask for the Student Life Counselor on duty)

*You (students) will be notified of office closure for holidays in advance. During closure, you should use the 24/7 Student Life contact information below in case of emergency.


In Case of Emergency in Israel Outside Office Hours

24/7 Student Life Team Emergency Mobile: + 972-(52)-5346188



Emergency Telephone Numbers in Tel Aviv


Police 100
Ambulance (and First Responders) 101
Fire Department 102
Electric Company 103
City Municipality (Tel Aviv) 106
Health Insurance Helpline *2000
Ichilov Hospital / Sourasky Medical Center
(at Weizman St. between Arlozorov and David HaMelech)
Association of Rape Crisis Center Women: 1202
Men: 1203



Psychological and Wellness Services


UPDATE for 2023/24: free English-speaking Mental Health Hotline

In light of the wartime situation, the psychological services at the university run an English-speaking hotline service, where every employee or student can connect and share their thoughts and feelings.

Behind the hotline is a psychotherapist who does their best to help ease the emotions and find partial relief for the natural pain felt during these difficult days.


In the morning hours, you can contact the secretary services at the following number: 03-6408505 to make an appointment.

Alternatively, please leave a short WhatsApp message with your name and number at this WhatsApp number: + 972-50-2787037, and a psychotherapist will contact you as soon as available.


University Psychological Services


We encourage students to make use of the University Psychological Services as needed. If you would like to access these services, you will need to first download and complete this form before their appointment and email it to prior to the initial intake (you may also physically bring in the form; whatever is preferred). The initial intake cost is 400 ILS which is not covered by the mandatory TAU insurance (but if you have another form of insurance in addition to TAU’s mandatory insurance, you are encouraged to check with your other insurance provider as well).

You should be aware that it is not possible to see a psychiatrist without first doing the intake process and beginning therapy services. Any questions regarding this form or the services of the University Psychological Services should be directed to the University Psychological Services at 03-6408505 or



Additional Safety, Health, and Wellness Guidelines for Study Abroad (Semester/Year) and Short-Term Program (including Summer) Students

Designed especially for Study Abroad and Short-Term students, the TAU International Safety, Security, Health, and Wellness Guidelines offer comprehensive information on safety, security, health and wellness at TAU International. These contain detailed information about:


  • Mandatory Health Insurance  Guidelines for Study Abroad and Short Term Program Students
  • Security Guidelines
  • Safety Concerns
  • Important Contact Information
  • Mobile Phone Policy - Staying in Touch in Case of Emergency
  • Psychological and Wellness Services
  • Mandatory Health Insurance and How to Use it
  • TAU International Travel Guidelines
  • Sexual Assault and Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Fire Safety
  • Environmental Safety Concerns
  • Drugs and Alcohol Policies
  • Student Code of Conduct



Fire Safety


All TAU facilities, including dormitories, are regularly inspected for Fire Safety and Compliance in accordance with Israeli law. Students should make note of the location of the fire extinguishers in the dormitories or in the place of residence (for those living off-campus) and make note of how to use them in case of fire emergency. Students are also encouraged to make note of all sprinklers and fire evacuation routes. In case of fire, elevators should never be used. Students should not take any personal belongings with them if evacuation is necessary; students should evacuate the building calmly and once outside proceed to a safe area while taking care not to cross any streets without thoroughly checking to be sure it is safe to cross.


Electrical Safety in the Dormitories


Should students notice wires are exposed, outlets or switches are broken or damaged, appliances are broken etc. they need to notify the dorms maintenance immediately upon the discovery of a safety hazard. It is stated emphatically that the resident may not make any changes and/or additions to the electrical systems, on his own or through a licensed technician.


Danger of Falling


It is absolutely forbidden to go on the rooftops of any of the buildings including the dormitories for any reason, to climb or sit on the window sills or in high places that do not have railings. Windows, screens or any part of them may not be dismantled. Planters, flower pots or any other item may not be placed on the outside sills of the windows or on the outer building walls.




To best prepare for the event of an earthquake, please consult an important resource which is the Israeli Home Front Command website. This is a national website that monitors public safety in Israel and it contains the safety guidelines to follow in case of an earthquake event. As earthquakes can come without prior warning, a high level of awareness and familiarity with these guidelines can save lives. Following is the link to the Home Front Command's instructions on the subject, with details of the earthquake safety procedures.


Swimming/Water Safety


One of the greatest things about Tel Aviv are the incredible city beaches and the beautiful Mediterranean Sea spanning the entire coastline of Israel. While enjoying this natural wonder, it’s important to review the Tel Aviv Municipality guidelines for beach safety:


  • Swimming at the Tel Aviv beaches is prohibited when there is no lifeguard on duty. Outside of Tel Aviv, we strongly recommend that students never enter the water if not in an area where there is a designated lifeguard on duty.
  • Bathers must comply with the lifeguard and rescue guards at all times.
  • Swimming/entering the sea is prohibited when the black flag(s) is raised. Even if the sea looks calm, a black flag indicates dangerous currents. Do not enter the sea in thiscase.
  • Building a fire is always prohibited on beaches.
  • Rescue services at the Tel Aviv beaches are available during set hours during the summer season which are typically 07:15am- 16:45pm (consult website to verify). Do not swim outside of these hours.
  • Never, ever swim while intoxicated.




Israel's strong, Mediterranean sun, coupled with hot, dry weather in many parts of the country, for the majority of the year, pose health risks that include dehydration and heat stroke, as well as long-term damage and risk of skin cancer from exposure to the sun. Other consequences of sun damage can include severe burns. Some tips to stay cool and safe from the heat:


  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Use a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF applied 1/2 hour before going outside. Reapply sunscreen every few hours, or after exercising, swimming, or playing.
  • Avoid clothing that exposes sensitive skin to the sun. Wear light, loose garments with sleeves, in natural fabrics such as cotton. White and other light colors deflect the sun, while dark colors absorb heat.
  • Wear a hat with a brim to keep the sun off student’s face. Covering of the head helps to
  • prevent heat stroke as well.
  • Wear sunglasses which protect from harmful ultra-violet rays.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of water frequently. During the summer months, students can dehydrate even before students feel thirsty. Remember that alcohol and caffeinated drinks can dehydrate students further.
  • Remember that risks are present even in cooler winter weather. Take precautions such as the above year-round.


Drugs and Alcohol

The legal drinking age in Israel is 18. Should students choose to drink alcohol, they are advised to drink in moderation. Like all big cities, nightlife in Tel Aviv is not without its risks. While nightlife in Tel Aviv is lively and fun, it is essential that students maintain awareness of surroundings and it is advised that students stick together and watch out for one another. In addition, students are advised to watch their drinks at all times. Never accept a drink from a stranger or drink from something that has been left unattended. It should be noted that the majority of Israelis do not drink heavily. Thus, from a cultural standpoint, heavy drinking and public drunkenness will stand out in Israel and therefore is not advised.


Drugs – including marijuana – are illegal in Israel, period. Drug use can result in arrest, fines, deportation, and more. TAU (and student’s home country Embassy) is unable to intervene on student’s behalf in any matter of the law including suspected drug use.


Should students need assistance in managing drug and alcohol use, there are resources available.

Please read further TAU’s information on drug and alcohol use here.


Sexual Assault or Harassment

While Tel Aviv has a vibrant and exciting scene that is for the most part very safe, students are encouraged to adhere to the “buddy system” while out in Tel Aviv, remaining with at least one friend at all times. We encourage students not to engage in any displays of public intoxication, as unfortunately, this is often the state in which unwanted advances may be made.


Students should ALWAYS keep a close eye on their drinks, never leaving a drink unattended and making sure to watch carefully how a drink is made. If students have any reason to suspect their drink has been compromised, do not test it out – just get a new one. Do not accept any gum or candy from strangers.


Students are encouraged to use Gett or an authorized taxi service; do not get in an unmarked or unrecognizable taxi at any time.


Again, Tel Aviv is quite safe as far as large cities go. That said, we don’t recommend students walk alone late at night, especially in remote areas, areas that are not well-lit, or in areas which students aren’t familiar with.


Should a student experience sexual assault or harassment, there are several resources available:

  • Contact the Student Life Team 24/7; the team can help walk students through the resources available to students and discuss various steps students can take depending on students’ circumstances and wishes
  • Students can contact Police – call 100
  • For any sexual harassment or assault, students can contact the Association of Rape Crisis Centers (English speaking) – Women call 1202; Men call 1203
  • Should students need medical assistance as a result of harassment or assault, please contact the Student Life Team for assistance making an appointment. If students don’t feel comfortable doing that, please consult the information in the Welcome Kit on making a doctor’s appointment or seeking urgent healthcare in Israel


Suspicious Objects and/or People


The majority of Israelis are very used to having a heightened sense of awareness regarding their surroundings. It stems more from common sense as opposed to paranoia – it’s just a good idea in general to know what’s happening around students, wherever students may be in the world. Students are encouraged to keep an eye on their surroundings at all times and be aware of people, objects, etc. in their vicinity. Report any suspicious or abandoned objects or suspicious people immediately to the nearest security personnel.


Safety during Excursions and Activities Organized by The Lowy International School


In the planning and execution of all excursions and activities, the Lowy International School strictly obeys the security policies established by Israel's Ministry of Education, the Israeli National Security Center (Moked Teva) and TAU'S Security Department. Transportation to all programmed activities, such as seminars, excursions, visits, and conferences, is handled by University chartered buses and only TAU International authorized passengers are permitted.


All TAU International excursions are cleared far in advance by the Israeli National Security Center ("Moked Teva") and the Ministry of Education. This clearance is coordinated with all appropriate authorities (including Israeli police and army). The Moked Teva is then updated with the groups' whereabouts and plans daily leading up to and during the excursions; should an adjustment to the itinerary need to be made at the last minute for security reasons, the TAU International Student Life Team is prepared with a back-up activity or visit. In rare cases, an excursion or activity will be canceled. In accordance with the recommendation of the Moked Teva, armed guards and trained first-aid personnel carrying first-aid kits escort the students throughout each excursion.


TAU International does not travel into the West Bank over the green line, except in very specific areas determined safe by Israel's security services (for example, parts of the Old City of Jerusalem).


Independent Student Travel


TAU International students often enjoy traveling throughout Israel during their time at TAU, and in addition, many take advantage of the proximity to Europe and other nearby destinations such as Cyprus. Students are not excused from class for purposes of traveling, but each semester there are designated holiday breaks in which students can travel independently as well as, of course, weekends.


Students traveling independently are asked to do three things:


  1. Check with the Student Life Team regarding travel plans while students are in the planning phases. The Student Life Team is happy to give advice and share insight into what past students have enjoyed, recommended, etc. In addition, the Student Life Team can discuss known safety or security concerns regarding a potential destination.
  2. Complete an Independent Student Travel Form. This form allows the Student Life Team to know the student's whereabouts and how to contact the student in Israel or abroad in case their usual mobile number will not be available. This form is shared with students at the beginning of each semester and students should complete it each time they travel outside the program, even for day trips.
  3. Ensure that proper health insurance coverage is secured before travelling, if traveling outside Israel.


Because of safety concerns, TAU International strictly prohibits travel to the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria during a student’s program at TAU. TAU International strongly discourages travel in the West Bank except parts of Jerusalem. Students are encouraged to check with the Student Life Team to understand the most up-to-date current safety and security updates for parts of Jerusalem if this is part of their travel plan.


Campus Accessibility and Learning Accommodations


In accordance with University guidelines, students with learning disabilities or accommodation requests must submit official documentation from their home country/university (translated into English by a notary) to the Lowy International School in advance of arrival describing in detail any specific needs they have. Students must also bring a copy of this documentation with them on-site and give it to their faculty on the first day of class while introducing themselves so that the faculty know who they are and what sorts of needs they may have. The Lowy International School and its faculty cannot guarantee that all accommodations received at the home school can be similarly met at TAU but certainly do the best it can to make any suitable accommodations possible that are needed.


It may be an option to provide a student with additional tutoring or support outside the classroom as needed. Students should be aware that this additional support cannot be guaranteed and is based on teacher availability in the subject as well as the specific student level. If available, the cost of additional tutoring or support will be the sole responsibility of the student.


Information on campus accessibility can be found here.




The Lowy International School strives to create a safe, equal and fair environment for all students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, religion, disability, veteran status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. If students wish to report any perceived cases of discrimination that occur within or outside of the university, they should contact the Head of the Lowy International Student Life Team at 052-525-5137.

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