Visiting Students and Researchers
Visiting Scholars
Tel Aviv University has enables scholars and researches from institutions around the globe to conduct interdisciplinary research and teach as visitors in a supportive community of scholars.
- Finding academic host in your field of research TAU International Academic Units or see our Research Database for current and ongoing research projects.
- Departments seeking to invite Visitors must submit Visiting Fellow Request Form, which includes the visitor and host information, purpose of the visit, approval signatures from the host department and any grant/funding agreements (if applicable). The form will route back to TAU International for final approval.
- Receive a letter of invitation from TAUi via Email.
Visitors please make sure you have the following prior to your arrival:
- You may be required to obtain visa to Israel, depending on your passport. For further information, please contact the Israeli Embassy in your home country.
- Students/faculty members arriving at Tel Aviv University must be equipped with full medical and travel insurance that includes medical cover in the event of illness, accidents, or any other event that requires medical services. Such insurance must be arranged and paid by the student/faculty member and be suitable to his/her medical needs for the entire duration of the stay.
- We recommend that you start the process at least 3 months in advance prior to your arrival. For any questions regarding the process, please do not hesitate to contact us: or +972(3) 640-5750
International MA in Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures: Info Session
Open to everyone
Shaping the Future: Insights and Forecasts for the Israeli Business Ecosystem. Sofaer Global MBA Lecture Series
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On campus
International Master's in Disaster Management: Info Session
Open to everyone