Prof. George Weiss

Prof. George Weiss


Research work

The PhD student/researcher will be a member of ModConFlex, a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral-Training-Network (HORIZON-MSCA-DN-2021) program. The network brings together 17 academic and industrial partners across Europe with the goal of developing novel approaches to the modeling and control of flexible structures. This program will create ground-breaking mathematical tools for data-driven modeling and control of complex processes, which will be efficient in practice and have rigorous theoretical foundations. It is envisioned that the program will combine ideas from a broad range of disciplines, including machine learning, control theory, differential equations, port-Hamiltonian systems theory, modeling of power systems, digital signal processors for control, and randomized algorithms.

Scope of work: The intention is to investigate internal model-based control with anti-windup for stable nonlinear plants. In particular, to study the stability of the closed-loop system formed by a multi-input multi-output stable nonlinear plant in feedback with the controller, using novel singular perturbations and density function methods. Also, to investigate how to enlarge the domain of attraction of the closed-loop system equilibrium points choosing appropriately a nonlinearity tailored to the steady state input-output map, possibly employing neural networks. Jointly with other researchers in the ModConFlex network, the student will explore possible applications of the anti-windup proportional-integral controller to oscillation reduction in floating wind turbines and in the stabilization of power grids using virtual synchronous machines. The topics may evolve during the program.

Research Affiliation


  • School of Electrical Engineering
Open Research Positions
PhD Positions in Multiphysics Numerical Models of Spinal Cord Injury Mechanisms
Publication date: 
August 23 2023
Position Type: 
About the position: 

3 PhD positions under EU-Horizon project ModConFlex:
1. Tel Aviv University joint with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in modeling, stability analysis and control of electric power grids comprising grid forming inverters. 
2. Tel Aviv University joint with Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult branch in Blyth (UK) in modeling and control of the grid integration of wind turbine farms.
3. Modeling, stability analysis, and control of electric power grids comprising grid forming inverters.


Application Deadline: Dec 31. 2023

Candidacy Requirements: 

The following skills & qualifications are highly welcomed:

  • A master degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering or Applied Mathematics. 
  • Advanced knowledge in control theory.
  • Knowledge in the design of electronic circuits. Knowledge in the operation and control of switched power converters of any kind.
  • Good academic English, written and spoken.
  • Enrolment in a PhD program @Tel Aviv University, School of Electrical Engineering
  • Three (3) secondments with project partners within the European Training Network, out of which one in industry
  • An excellent working atmosphere within an international team of researchers
  • The successful candidate will receive a 3 year financial package, in accordance with the European Commission rules, consisting of:
  • Monthly living allowance (net) of €2,700
  • Monthly mobility allowance of €450
  • Monthly family allowance (where applicable)
  • Visits to partner universities and/or industrial partners and attendance of the annual network meetings will be covered separately by the grant
  • No teaching is required, but the student may take teaching assignments if he/she wants
  • Tuition fees are covered by the grant
To apply
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