Refund Policy
Notifications of withdrawal must be made in writing to:
- Study Abroad programs/ Gap year programs/ Summer programs/ Exchange programs/ Language programs:
- Degree programs & all other programs:
Refunds are determined according to the date of our receipt of the written notice.
All refunds listed below are additional to the mandatory $500 cancellation fee. Please also refer to the Letter of Agreement which all students must sign and submit before beginning their program. Internship Program students should also consult the Lowy International Internship Program Agreement for additional refund and cancellation information regarding internships.
*Please note that moving a program to hybrid or online, or changing the hours of the program at least 1 month before the program starts is not a reason for a refund*
- Withdrawal prior to the first day of class or on the first day of class only: 100% of tuition refunded minus confirmation fee and cancellation fee. Note that for study abroad year/semester programs, the first day of class refers to the first day of the required Hebrew Ulpan.
- Withdrawal after the first day of class (from Day 2 of classes), but no later than five days after the beginning of classes (Day 1-Day 5 of classes included): refund 50% of tuition minus confirmation fee and cancellation fee.
- Thereafter (if enrolled for a single semester): no refund.
- Thereafter, with respect to Students enrolled for the entire academic year and who withdraw during the first semester: refund second-semester tuition and summer semester tuition minus confirmation and cancellation fee.
- Thereafter, with respect to Students enrolled for the entire academic year and who withdraw during the second or summer term: no refund.
Tuition assistance, grants, and scholarships provided by the Program and TAU are contingent on successful completion of the course of studies. Early withdrawal cancels the aforementioned funding and makes the Student liable for the full tuition as covered in clauses above.
Students who have received federal loan disbursements before they withdraw will not receive any refunds and must contact the Department of Education if they want to return any of the funds.
For a detailed overview of our Return to Title IV policy, please click here.
Conditional Fees
Bank Fee
Bounced checks incur a $60 fee and cancellation of any payment plan.
Late payment of fees
This incurs a $100 fee for every 30 days passed the payment deadline and may lead to the cancellation of the Student's payment plan. Students in debt will be refrained from receiving TAU services (e.g registration for courses, grades, library access, and/or receiving TAU academic documents).
Cancellation Fee
A $500 fee is incurred if a student withdraws after TAU Interntional receives the Confirmation Form or if a withdrawal occurs after the first day of classes, whichever one comes first. Note that for study abroad year/semester programs, the first day of class refers to the first day of the required Hebrew Ulpan.
Collection Fees
Tel Aviv University may utilize the services of an attorney and/or collection agent to collect any amount past due, and you will be charged an additional amount equal to the cost of collection (approximately 33% of your outstanding balance) as well as any other fees incurred by Tel Aviv University.
Graduation/ Certification, Transcripts
TAU Student Remaining Fees
All debts, including tuition fees, accommodation debts, dorm fees, library debts, etc must be cleared before a student is permitted to register for his/her next semester or year of study.
Examination Results
Examination results will not be published on MyTAU Student Grades, if a student has remaining debt to pay.
Tel Aviv University can provide you with your grades over the phone or by email, or make a printout on an empty page with your grades (This unofficial printout will not be signed or stamped).
Record of Studies
Students with outstanding debts will not be able to graduate or receive a certificate, transcript or official letter to verify their academic standing whilst an outstanding debt exist.
Current and former students due to receive a certificate or who have requested a transcript or official letter to verify their academic standing, must make full settlement of fees or other charges due to the University (and funds must have cleared) before a certificate transcript or official letter can be issued.
Program Dismissal
Tel Aviv University reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct or academic standing warrants such action. In the event that a student is asked to leave the program, no refund of any fees will be granted. Please refer to the Letter of Agreement which all students must sign and submit before beginning their program.
Letter of Agreement
Click here to download.