International to Local Perspectives on Brazil's Climate Change Stance

Brazil International Week

21 February 2022, 16:15 
International to Local Perspectives on Brazil's Climate Change Stance

Over 60% of Brazil is rainforest land. Nature and humanity's use of it takes up a huge portion of Brazil's worries.

In this panel discussion, researchers from across faculties will discuss environmental challenges in Brazil.



Event Participants (and their research):


Chair: Dr. Shula Goulden, TAU Climate Crisis Iniative


Prof. Colin Price, Head of Environmental Studies Department and the TAU Climate Crisis Initiative - "Brazil, Deforestation, and the Climate Crisis"


Prof. Marcelo Sternberg, School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, Faculty of Life Sciences - "Brazil's Challenges to Withstand the UN Sustainable Development Goals Under Current Trends of Land-use Change and Biodiversity Loss"


Dr. Orli Ronen,  Innovation and Urban Sustainability Lab, Environmental Studies Department - "Curitiba, the Lighthouse for Urban Sustainability"


Location: Porter School of Environmental Studies Building Auditorium



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