Kirsten Jemma Chananie Testimonial


Kirsten Jemma Chananie


Overall the program was great! It covered a lot of content (level Gimel was a ton of work to go through), and the course not only helped to improve our Hebrew but also gifted us with amazing opportunities to do both a Yael & Amir preparation course, as well as organized for us to participate in the exams of both of these courses as part of the overall program.


As students, we received way more than expected, and it exceeded our expectations for professionalism and care. I felt really taken care of, especially considering the external situation of the country, the course gave us something positive to focus on. A great experience that I would do again in a heartbeat. Highly recommended!


TAKA gave us a structured learning environment and pushed us to go out of our comfort zone in practical applications of the Hebrew language. They went above and beyond to care for us, organizing fun trips and learning experiences.


I couldn't have hoped for a better experience! Lastly, a huge credit to the wonderful experience has to mention the teachers, Eti & Hava, and Ronnie who really made the course feel challenging yet doable, and pushed us to become better and more confident.

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