Hebrew: Curriculum

Beginner's Level

This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of Hebrew. It is offered as an intensive course only.

Course goals:

  • To familiarize students with the basic letters, words, and structures of the Hebrew language.

  • To teach the fundamentals of reading and writing in Hebrew.

·         To develop the students’ ability to hold simple conversations in Hebrew so they can communicate with native Israelis on a day-to-day basis.

Students learn approximately 400 words covering different personal, social, and cultural needs. Themes include: meeting people, life at home, the family, day-to-day life, shopping, and excursions. Making inquiries – such as requests for information, directions, and explanations of specific issues – is also included.

Completion of the Beginner's Level course is a prerequisite for Level 1.


Level 1

This course is designed for students who have completed the Beginner's Level and who have a working vocabulary of approximately 400 words in Hebrew.

Vocabulary will cover topics such as scenery and surroundings, the history of Tel Aviv, trips, parent-child relations, and the Jewish experience. Part of each lesson will be devoted to free discussion, enabling the students to develop their ability to communicate in contemporary Hebrew in daily situations. Speech exercises will include expression of emotion, asking questions, and giving instructions.


Level 2

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 1 and who have a working vocabulary of approximately 800 words in Hebrew.

Vocabulary will cover daily life, basic health terminology, seasons of the year, work and leisure, the arts, Israeli politics, kibbutz and the city, popular science, description of a person (characteristics, body parts, etc.), holidays, and so forth.


Level 3

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 2. Vocabulary will cover topics such as modern man, adulthood and aging, women, health and illness, the arts and entertainment, the Israeli press, professionals, student jobs, completing forms and questionnaires, the history of Israel, and development of the Hebrew language.


Level 4

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 3. The course includes a series of oral assignments. Every student will be required to prepare short lectures on pre-assigned subjects such as: description of an object of personal importance; the story of a place; a personal recommendation; a complaint; culture or language shock; persuasion to do something; explanation of reasons for a phenomenon or an incident; description of a character; a work of art; and so forth.


Level 5

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 4. The course also includes a series of required assignments to be performed orally. Every student will be required to prepare short lectures on pre-assigned subjects such as description of an object of personal importance; the story of a place; a personal recommendation; a complaint; culture or language shock; persuasion to do something; explanation of reasons for a phenomenon or an incident; description of a character; a special experience or something of a given color; description of a hobby; an art object; and so forth.


Level 6

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 5. At this stage, time will be devoted to improving written expression. There will also be functional discussions related to regular daily needs. Students will watch recorded television programs and films.


Level 7

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 6. Time will be devoted to conversation, discussions, reading news pages, critical summaries of films and plays, weekly assignments


Level 8

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 7. It is intended to promote the students’ command of Hebrew so that they can read popular scientific material, newspapers, and literature in Hebrew, and express themselves orally and in writing at the level required of university students. In doing so, the course helps prepare them for participation in regular courses at Tel Aviv University.


Level 9

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 8. The program continues to prepare the students for reading scientific material, newspapers, and literature in Hebrew, and to improve their oral and written expression competence at the level required of university students.


Level 10-11

This course is designed for students who have completed Level 9. It is intended to improve students’ language skills, develop their reading comprehension and ability to express themselves in writing, as well as enrich their vocabulary on academic subjects.


The course is also suitable for native-born Israelis, who emigrated with their parents to other countries and spoke Hebrew at home but attended formal schooling in English. It is also suitable for students of the special M.A. program in Middle Eastern Studies.


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