Botanical Gardens
Plants and exhibits at TAU’s Botanical Gardens serve as the basis for academic instruction and research on campus, as well as a source of tranquillity, enjoyment and education. Spanning some eight acres, the Gardens feature the unique Sarah Racine Root Laboratory and the interactive Jack Benesch-Bennett Garden for the Blind.
There are also specialized areas with displays of tropical plants, medicinal plants, cacti and succulents, and more. Visitors are able to tour the plant communities of Israel, from Mount Hermon to Eilat, and to study and enjoy a broad variety of trees, shrubs, and herbs.
In particular, the Gardens serve as the basis for a multitude of conservation and biodiversity research projects conducted by scientists at the TAU Department of Plant Sciences, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, as well as their counterparts at leading universities around the world.
Visit the website here.