Webinar with Dr. Brandon Friedman: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Lecture Series for International Students

03 December 2023, 19:15 
TAU only
Webinar with Dr. Brandon Friedman: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The lecture is part of a new joint course for international students on the topic of the current war: October 7: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War.


This course is for credit (2 credits), and auditing individual lectures is not possible.


Lecturer: Dr. Brandon Friedman (The Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies)

Date: December 3, 2023

Time: 7:15-8:45PM

Location: Zoom


About the lecture course:


The course will consist of 10 meetings on Zoom, beginning on November 30th and running until December 22nd. Classes will meet on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:15 to 8:45 pm.


Each meeting will feature a guest speaker with expertise on a certain aspect of the war (several of whom are international program heads at the Lowy International School).


The course will be divided into two parts. The first part will provide the background to the war, including the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the socio-political developments on the eve of the war.


The second part will provide interdisciplinary perspectives on war in general with application to the present Israel-Hamas war: international law relating to warfare, war’s economic costs, social and individual consequences of war, coping mechanisms, and more.


Any questions about registration can be directed to Yael Gazit at yaelga@tauex.tau.ac.il.




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