Dr. Iftach Yacoby
Research work

Synthetic biology of micro-algae/ Basic study and reengineering of photosynthetic electron flow towards high value products.

Research Affiliation

Life Sciences

  • Plant Science and Food Security
Open Research Positions
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Publication date: 
February 5 2023
Position Type: 
About the position: 

Study and reengineer photosynthetic complexes to overcome inherent bottlenecks that slow down the productivity of photosynthesis.  The chosen reporter/target is Hydrogen production.


Application Deadline: December 31, 2023

Candidacy Requirements: 

I'm looking for people who are excited about microalgae and synthetic biology within.

Technical skills using new and exciting equipment such as photo-bioreactors, Gas chromatographs, Advance mass spectrometers, and spectrophotometer
Any of the following experiences is very beneficial:
1)Chemical/Physical methods such as spectroscopy and Mass spectrometry
2) Isolation of membrane proteins
3) Molecular biology - mutation, etc

To apply
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