Orientation Week 2023

09 October 2023, 14:00 
Orientation Week 2023


Are you ready to kick off your unforgettable journey at Tel Aviv University?  


Sign up for the Orientation Week here >>


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Currently, all in-person events have been canceled until further notice. We hope to be able to hold them during the following week

Some programs will hold their own gatherings and events; the program coordinators will let you know about those if relevant. 



October 9 - ONLINE Orientation Day (Mandatory attendance!)

You heard right, folks! Attendance is a must for all students. 


2:00 PM: Online orientation session for all incoming students, graduate and undergraduate.

During orientation, we will introduce you to the Lowy International School student life and service team, provide information regarding the academic guidelines during this time of emergency, and share safety and security regulations. We will also hold a session for dorm residents with important information about on-campus living.



7:30 PM: Special Zoom Seminar 'Israel at War' by The Center for the Study of Contemporary Jewry and the Irwin Cotler Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice


Prof. Uriya Shavit, Tel Aviv University
Gen. (Ret.) Danny Yatom, Former Head of the Mossad
Dr. Carl Yonker, Tel Aviv University



Other Orientation Week Activities:


Tel Aviv Tours (postponed)

Wave goodbye to the campus for a day and explore the vibrant city of Tel Aviv.

Sign up for the tour.



Campus Navigation Games (postponed)

Put your navigation skills and knowledge of the University campus to test during a thrilling scavenger hunt.

Register to take part.



Semester Opening Party (postponed)

The Lowy International School opening party at Alexander Brewery (Tsvi HaNahal St 13, א.ת). Transportation will be provided, so you don't need to worry about getting there and back.

Let's raise a toast to new beginnings! Trust us, you won't want to miss this legendary event.

Register here to attend. 





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