The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music International Program BMus

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music International Program BMus

  • About
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  • Application Requirements
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  • History & Impact
  • Testimonials
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The musical art often speaks in sounds more penetrating than the words of poetry, and takes hold of the most hidden crevices of the heart… Song elevates our being and leads us to the good and the true. 


—Friedrich Nietzsche


Beyond being a power-house in the world of music, the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music also has an important connection to the University and the State of Israel Israel as a whole. 


The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music was founded in 2005 when the Samuel Rubin Israel Academy of Music joined forces with Tel-Aviv University's Musicology Department and the orchestral training program of the Israel Philharmonic.


Students accepted to the program have the privilege of studying under the umbrella of Israel's largest university, Tel Aviv University, as well as one of the world's leading orchestras, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The faculty is comprised of Israel's leading musicians and pedagogues, many of whom are principal players in the IPO who have achieved international acclaim.


Since music is an international language, the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music was chosen as the front-runner in the University's internationalization process. Students from many different countries have studied at the School, including Brazil, Poland, Azerbaijan, Japan, Taiwan, China, Spain, USA, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Argentina, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, Chile, Belgium, Korea, Italy, Moldova, Mexico.


The Samuel Rubin Israel Academy of Music, the largest unit to form the new school, was founded as early as 1945, as the Israel Music Conservatory & Academy. Its founders were all immigrants from central Europe (mainly from Hungary), who fled Europe just prior to the outbreak of World War II, and were among the founding members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.


Joining the newly formed Tel-Aviv University in 1966, the Academy moved to its current building in Ramat-Aviv campus. Following the move, the Academy was separated from its conservatory division, which became an independent institute, The Israeli Conservatory of Music, now located on Stricker street. In 1972, with the establishment of the Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of Arts, the Academy became an integral part of this new faculty. The music school was the first building on campus. 




The Academy received national and international recognition as Israel's top school of music and the country's main source for music making. Many of its graduates have held senior positions in leading orchestras, opera houses and educational institutions in Israel and abroad.


The school provides space for the greatest musicians of the world to showcase their skills in unmatched performances at many exciting on-campus concerts as well as concerts throughout the country. Until today, the concert series are a vital part of music making at the school and serve as its showcase by providing a regular performance platform for the orchestra, choirs, chamber ensembles and outstanding soloists of the school and its guests.


Israel excels in innovation in various fields, with a proven track record of overcoming difficulties with creative approaches. In the field of music, the situation is not different. Tel Aviv University’s program in music stands as a beacon of excellence and has proudly represented the country since its establishment. Truly, the power of music is unparalleled in our world. This critical cultural vehicle can bring people together and translate change across nations.




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