
Since the Lowy International School (previously known as TAU International and the Overseas Student Program or OSP) opened its gates, we have served as a hub for over 32,000 international students with over 2,500 students joining the Lowy International community every year.

We are excited to invite you to reconnect with us, get to know your fellow alumni, and hear about employment or volunteer opportunities at our alumni events!


Get Involved!

How can you become involved as an alum?

  • Connect with the Lowy International Community via Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  • Join our alumni programing such as reunions, meetups, networking events, career panels, excursions and more.
  • Serve as a Lowy International ambassador, assist in building and leading the alumni community.
  • Share your Lowy International stories and experience.
  • Mentor other Lowy International alumni.


Contact to us today so you can get involved!






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